We got the dreaded message. A beloved client let the intrusive thoughts win and used some at home hair bleach to lighten their hair. It didn't go well and she messaged us in a panic. So of course we immediately scheduled her for a consultation and in salon treatment to see what we would be able to do to mitigate the damage and getting it looking presentable.
Now, this client is not in the minority. We all at some point in our life impulsively color our hair, or use a new hair tool that might be too hot, lean to close to the stove oven or fire. These are classic hair damage issues we see in the salon. We of course have amazing in salon treatments we can use to help you, but we also want to give you a resource of best practices at home.
To blow-dry or not to blow-dry? If your hair is stretchy when it's wet the worst thing you can do is leave it wet for long periods of time, or tie it up when it is wet. Our hair is most fragile when it is wet so blow-drying fragile hair with low heat is a great way to protect it.
What Conditioner do I use? This will depend on the damage. If you have chemical damage you want a conditioner that is balanced with protein and moisture. We Love Spruced Repair Treatment. If your hair is dry from over styling with heat, something heavier in moisture will be ideal. We love Spruce Rejuvenate Treatment.
But my color looks terrible! I can't speak for every situation but you may want to have a professional consult with you on the best option. Your goal hair may not be feasible immediately but you can come up with a plan to get there. Alternatively, whatever home color you used likely has a help line you can call. They are experts in that brand of color and maybe able to guide you.
I can't go to work without having my hair styled! If you absolutely need to heat style your hair first experiment with what can be done with a blow-dry. With a little time and the right tools you can get polished presentable hair with just a blow-dryer. I would not recommend using a blow-dryer brush they will cause more breakage on fragile hair. If a blow-dryer isn't cutting it opt for a smooth style and use a flat iron on super low heat 300 degrees or less.
I read that I can mix all of these ingredients from my kitchen to help my hair. Yes, there are tons of recipes online for at home treatments. If you do them and love them, keep it up. From a chemistry perspective, the ingredients used in products formulated for hair are at the proper molecular weight to be able to get into the hair strand and attach to it to provide the benefits. Ingredients from our kitchens aren't the same and often don't provide long term protection but may hair your hair feel a bit better instantly.
I also hate to tell you this, some hair cannot be repaired, and you will just want to manage the damage until it grows out to a point where you are comfortable cutting it. Hair can only be pushed so far. It's ok, hair is an adventure, and it will always grow back. We love helping you got from hair disaster to hair goals.